Effect of Scouring Around Bridge Piers

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dc.contributor.author Enam, Samin
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-12T09:53:50Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-12T09:53:50Z
dc.date.issued 2012-11-15
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dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1193
dc.description Supervised by Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Sadrul Islam, Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering (MCE), Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Board Bazar, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract A series of relatively recent bridge failures due to pier scour, as reported in literature, has rekindled interest in furthering our understanding of the scour process and for developing improved ways of protecting bridges against scour. Moreover, increased attention is being given to the state of Bangladeshi infrastructure, a major aspect of which is the transportation network. In part, there is concern about both the impact of a failure on the handling of traffic flow while the failure is being remedied and on the cost of replacing the failed system component. As such, attention is being given to the scour design of new bridges and to the inspection, maintenance and management of existing bridge structures. The two major countermeasure techniques employed for preventing or minimizing local scour at bridge piers are increased scour resistance and flow alteration. In the former case, the objective is to combat the erosive action of the scour-inducing mechanisms using hard engineering materials or physical barriers such as rock riprap. In the latter case, the objective is to either inhibit the formation of the scour-inducing mechanisms or to cause the scour to be shifted away from the immediate vicinity of the pier. This research focuses on a particular application of the latter technique together with the view to improving bridge performances against scouring. In this study, the use of collars for reducing the effects of local scour at a bridge pier is presented together with the time aspect of the scour development. The adoption of a collar is based on the concept that its existence will sufficiently inhibit and/or deflect the local scour mechanisms so as to reduce the local scour immediately adjacent to the pier. The overall objective of the research is to study the temporal development of the scour for a pier fitted with a collar and a pier without a collar. More specifically, the objectives are: i) to study the causes of scouring around bridge piers, their types and threats it imposes on bridges and overall structures; ii) to identify pier shape that responses best in order to minimize scouring effect; iii) to find out the relationship of scouring depth with flow velocity, discharge, depth of flow; iv) to find out parameters on which scouring depth depends and develop a relationship with scour depth for changes in the parameters; v)to find out an alternative measure which might reduce suction around bridge piers, which are primarily responsible for scouring. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE),Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject scouring, pier shape, local scour, horseshoe vortex, scour depth en_US
dc.title Effect of Scouring Around Bridge Piers en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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