Development of Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Based Electro Active Polymer Nano Composite & Its Potential Application As Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

Show simple item record Mahbub, Md. Zakaria 2021-10-14T06:18:39Z 2021-10-14T06:18:39Z 2012-11-15
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dc.description Supervised by Dr. Md. Nurul Absar Chowdhury Professor, Department of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, Islamic University of Technology (IUT) & Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan Director, Institute of Radiation & Polymer Technology, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission en_US
dc.description.abstract Organic solar cell research has developed during the past 30 years, but especially in the last decade it has attracted scientific and economic interest triggered by a rapid increase in power conversion efficiencies. This revolution was achieved by the introduction of new techniques, new and improved materials, engineering skills and more sophisticated device structures. Today, solar power conversion efficiencies in excess of 4% have been accomplished with several device concepts. Though efficiencies of these thin-film and other organic devices have not yet reached those of their inorganic counterparts (≈ 10–20%). The perspective of cheap production drives the development of organic photovoltaic devices further in a dynamic way. There are two important production techniques that are usually used either wet solution processing or dry thermal evaporation of the organic constituents. Now days, a lot of research in dye sensitized solar cell are going on all over the world. The field of organic solar cells profited well from the development of light-emitting diodes based on similar technologies, which have entered the market recently. We have tried to design and fabricate a solar cell with titanium dioxide (TiO2 as an electron acceptor) and natural dye (red amaranth x Abstract III as low cost electron donor) incorporated with carboxymethyl celluoise (CMC) Nano composite film. Thus, we have shown and compare all the electrical properties (current-voltage, resistance-conductivity, and voltage-resistance), mechanical properties (Hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break), optical properties (UV-visible spectroscopy) and morphological properties (top & rear side of the Nano composite film). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE),Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Development of Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Based Electro Active Polymer Nano Composite & Its Potential Application As Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cell en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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