Smart antenna manipulates the impinging signals on various antenna elements through array processing so that the main lobe is formed towards the desired direction and nulls are placed towards the interference or unwanted directions. Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation is an important part of direction of arrival based beam forming. The direction of arrival algorithm computes the angle of arrival of all impinging signals. A systemic study of smart antenna system and comparison of the performance of the Bartlett and MUltiple SIgnal Classification(MUSIC) DOA algorithms along with different non blind beam forming algorithms through simulation have been extensively analyzed in this thesis work. Our comparative analysis shows that MUSIC algorithm is highly accurate and stable and provides high angular resolutions compared to Bartlett algorithm. So MUSIC algorithm can be widely used in mobile communication to estimate the DOA of arriving signals. Among LMS, SMI, RLS beam forming algorithms RLS algorithm is the fastest to converge the weights through least computational complexity.
Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Islamic University of Technology (IUT),
Board Bazar, Gazipur.