Comparative Study of CZTS Thin Film Solar Cell with Different Buffer and Window Layer

Show simple item record Tousif, Md. Noumil Ferdous, A. A. Mohammad, Sakib 2017-11-03T04:58:10Z 2017-11-03T04:58:10Z 2016-11-20
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dc.description.abstract Energy conversion efficiency is a major issue for photovoltaic cells today. Researchers are continuously trying to improve the efficiency level of photovoltaic devices by introducing new materials and advanced concepts. The target is to reach a high efficiency level within affordable cost, which will lead to a mass generation of electricity using photovoltaic devices. The performance of CZTS solar cell using two different buffer layers was numerically simulated. We used CdS (Cadmium Sulfide) and In2S3 (Indium Sulfide) alternately as buffer layer. Performance was recorded for different thicknesses of CZTS absorber layer, different thicknesses of buffer layer and different values of acceptor density of CZTS. Best efficiency was 22.66% (with VOC= 0.9114 V, JSC= 28.68 mA/cm2, FF=86.68%) which was obtained with CdS as buffer layer. The thickness of CZTS layer was 5 μm and the acceptor density was 2*1014 cm-3. Varying the thickness of buffer layer does not have any significant effect on the performance of this solar cell. Our simulated model can be used for fabricating solar cells with higher efficiency. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IUT, EEE en_US
dc.title Comparative Study of CZTS Thin Film Solar Cell with Different Buffer and Window Layer en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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