Performance Comparison of Different Types of Beam Forming Algorithms for Smart Antenna

Show simple item record Sakib, Taiyeb Hasan Islam, Md. Rajibul Rahman, Md. Mushfiqur 2017-11-03T06:07:37Z 2017-11-03T06:07:37Z 2016-11-20
dc.identifier.citation  Constantine A.Balanis, 'Antenna Theory Analysis and Design’  Smart antenna using matlab by Lal Chand Godara  Doa estimation based on music algorithm by Honghao Tang, Sven Nordebo  Harris, F. J. "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform." Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 66 (January 1978)  Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm for Smart Antenna Systems by AMARA PRAKASA RAO and N.V.S.N. SARMA  Performance analysis of adaptive beamforming algorithms for smart antennas by Prerna Saxena & A.G. Kothari  S. Kamboj and R. Dahiya, “Adaptive antenna array for satellite communication systems,” Proceedings of the International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, vol. 2, March 2008,Hong Kong.  Peter Stonica etc. MUSIC Maximum Likelihood and Cramer-Rao Bond, IEEE Trans on ASSP. 1989. Vol. 37(5). P720~741.  T J Shan, Wax M. Adaptive beamforming for Coherent Signals and Inference. IEEE Trans on ASSP. 1985. Vol. 33(4). P527~536  Richard Roy, Thonas Kailath. ESPRIT-Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques. IEEE Trans on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing. July 1989. Vol. 37. No.7 pp 984~995 en_US
dc.description Supervised by Dr. Ruhul Amin Professor Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Islamic University of Technology en_US
dc.description.abstract In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the number of wireless users, particularly in the area of mobile communications. This rapid growth in mobile communications demands for more system capacity through efficient utilization of frequency spectrum and also keeping the Interference as low as possible. In today’s Radio resource management, Adaptive array antennas have an important role in increasing the system capacity and controlling the interference in mobile communications. Adaptive array antenna is an antenna system, which uses spatially separated antennas called array antennas and processes the received signals with a digital signal processor. Simply speaking these array antennas can reduce the co-channel interference and effectively utilize the bandwidth by steering a high gain in the direction of interest and low gains in the undesired directions, technically this is called adaptive beamforming. This adaptive beamforming enables the base station to form narrow beam towards desired user and nulls towards the interfering user, hence improving the signal quality. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IUT, EEE en_US
dc.title Performance Comparison of Different Types of Beam Forming Algorithms for Smart Antenna en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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