The Khathala geothermal field in the Grande Comoros is under
development. We propose design of a double flash geothermal power
plant, which has a geofluid temperature of 2500 C. The performance
analysis of this double flash geothermal power plant was evaluating by
using the second law of thermodynamics, which was based on energy
and exergy analysis. COCO Simulator was used to develop and simulate
a dynamic model of this geothermal power plant. The energy flow rate,
exergy flow rate and efficiency are calculated at several plants
components, including the turbine, separator, condenser and for the
whole power plant. While doing the calculation, we have accepted dead
state temperature of 250C, and dead state pressure of 100 KPa.
According to the simulation result, the electrical net power output is
estimated to be 9.099 MW and 10.03 MW from the Optimum first and
second flashing respectively. Based on the exergy of the geothermal fluid
at the well reservoir, the overall second and first law efficiencies are
calculated to be 6.48% and 27.76%, respectively.