Optimization of surface roughness on aluminium milling operation by peltier cooling effect

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dc.contributor.author Sanglap, Md. Tanzib Ehsan
dc.contributor.author Ahnaf, Md. Golam
dc.date.accessioned 2017-11-23T06:33:53Z
dc.date.available 2017-11-23T06:33:53Z
dc.date.issued 2016-11-20
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dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/160
dc.description Supervised by Dr. Md. Anayet Ullah Patwari Professor, Mechanical & Chemical Engineering Department, Islamic University of Technology (OIC). en_US
dc.description.abstract The ultimate goal in the manufacturing of a part is to achieve an economic production plan with precision and accuracy in the first attempt at machining. A physics-based comprehensive modelling of the machining processes is a fundamental requirement in identifying optimal cutting conditions which result in high productivity rates without violating accuracy throughout the part production process. As technology provides smaller devices with greater heat dissipation needs, cooling systems become essential during machining. The results of manufacturing processes, such as roughness structures on machined surfaces, now play a significant role in milling phenomena. The Main vision of this paper is to facilitate improved machinability that also constitute the reduction of surface roughness and decreasing the temperature at the cutting zone. The conventional milling, in both dry condition and cryogenic cooling that have a lack of getting a smooth surface as well as environmental purpose and costs. Thus for getting a complete cost effective and P a g e | 4 reliable solution, Peltier cooling effect is conducted for the analysis of the influence of the milling parameters on the surface roughness. This also helps to get improved chip formation and chip morphology. The optimum surface roughness obtained in both low and high RPM. In this paper the effect of cutting condition (cutting speed and feed rate) on surface roughness were studied and analyzed using Peltier cooling effect. And the results suggest that using Peltier cooling effect attains more realistic alternative to conventional coolants for milling applications that is not only reduces surface roughness of the machined surface, but also more eco-friendly, provides better chip formation and increases tool life. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IUT, MCE en_US
dc.title Optimization of surface roughness on aluminium milling operation by peltier cooling effect en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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