Photonics managed a dynamic entry in the realm of integrated technology
solving the di culty regarding the integrated electronic devices reaching their
bandwidth limitations and heat dissipation. Using light as an information
carrier poses a major hurdle named as di raction limit, which does not per-
mit design and implementation of optical devices in the nanometer region.
A feasible solution to this predicament is using materials with negative di-
electric permittivity and metals below plasma frequency are pro ering the
opening. Amongst many plasmonic devices, ring resonators with diverse ge-
ometric con guration were investigated numerically using Finite-Di erence
Time-Domain scheme where design parameters were also altered to observe
the e ect on the transmission properties. A plasmonic directional coupler of
Rat Race con guration in nanometer range was also designed and simulated
to investigate the transmission e ciency and S-parameters. The results of
the aforementioned structures will shed light on the credibility and novelty
of the devices in pragmatic applications.