Current Scenario of Buriganga And Dhaleswari Rivers After The Shiftment of the Tannery Industry: A WQI Study

Show simple item record Ishraq, Raghib Nehal, Kaisar Ahmed Urbi, Farah Binte Shahid Almas, Md. Mazbah-Ul- 2023-12-02T09:34:28Z 2023-12-02T09:34:28Z 2023-05-30
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dc.description Supervised by Dr. Amimul Ahsan, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.description.abstract This study deals with the comparison of water quality parameters between Buriganga and Dhaleshwari river based on DoE Water Quality Index [Malaysia], Canadian Water Quality Index and River pollution Index. It is measured that the water quality of Buriganga is slightly improving on the other hand the water quality of Dhaleshwari is gradually declining. For Buriganga, the DoE Water Quality Index [Malaysia] is increasing in 2022-13 compare to 2017, for example in 2017 WQI value was 32.24975 at Postogola Bridge. But in 2022-23, WQI value was 47.62663 in Season-1, 48.45746 in Season 2 and 38.03453. For Dhaleswari, at Hazratpur WQI value at 2017 was 65.91067 and in 2022-23 it was 29.44778 [Season-1], 34.99186[Season-2] and 33.30495 [Season-3], So, the Water Quality of Buriganga is slowly improving as per DoE Water Quality Index [Malaysia] but it’s rapidly declining at Dhaleshwari River. According to River pollution Index, in 2022-23’s Season1, 2 &3 RPI was 5.0, 6.0 and 6.75 at Postogola Bridge which is classified as Moderately polluted as River pollution Index. But in 2017, RPI was 8.25 at Postogola Bridge which was classified as severely polluted as per RPI. For Dhaleswari River, RPI in 2017 at Hazratpur was 1.5 which was classified as unpolluted as per RPI. But 2022-23’s three season value was 27.25, 7.25 and 8.25 which was classified as severely polluted. So, River Pollution Index also states the rapid degradation in Water Quality of Dhaleshwari river and slow improvement of Buriganga River. The CWQI value for each season and station in 2022-23 were in the range of 0 to 44 range at Buriganga River that means the water quality was poor. And for Dhaleswari, CWQI value was poor at every station expect Dhaleshwari River Bridge. From all the aspects the water quality is gradually declining for Dhaleshwari day by day and is marginally improving for Buriganga. Keywords: WQI, Water Quality, Parameters, CWQI, DoE, River Pollution Index, RP en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(CEE), Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh en_US
dc.subject WQI, Water Quality, Parameters, CWQI, DoE, River Pollution Index, RPI, Canadian Water Quality Index, CCME WQI, DoE Water Quality Index [Malaysia], Buriganga, Dhaleshwari en_US
dc.title Current Scenario of Buriganga And Dhaleswari Rivers After The Shiftment of the Tannery Industry: A WQI Study en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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