Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) is a promising research interest in the field of wireless
networks. It is an application of the principle of Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs). It is used
to provide services such as road safety, navigation, traffic monitoring etc. The continuously
changing topology of the network introduces challenges in implementing VANET. Resolving
these challenges following different strategies introduces other trade-offs. One of the most
important applications in VANET is to disseminate incident messages to nearby vehicles. The
effectiveness of the application depends on the correctness of the incident message and its
timely delivery to the vehicles. Blockchain is one of the mechanisms that can be used in this
respect. Consensus mechanism is used to validate the message and then a proper forwarding
mechanism is used to disseminate the message. An incentive mechanism is used to encourage
honest behaviour of the nodes.
The prominent consensus mechanisms used in blockchain such as Proof of Work (PoW),
Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) are not suitable to be used in VANET in
their basic form. For example, PoW is highly time consuming and PoS is biased. Among the
existing ones Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant (PBFT) is the most suitable one for blockchain
based VANET. So in our thesis we propose a new consensus mechanism which is a hybrid of the
best practices of PoW and PBFT. It includes selective voting mechanism with weighted values
for faster and more accurate validation. The threshold values are updated whenever needed.
Limiting the number of voters makes the entire process efficient. The challenges in this respect
are handled by imposing proper conditions on the voters. The concept of weighted sum of votes
is introduced where honest voters are prioritized over others which results in higher accuracy
in message validation in shorter amount of time.
Efficient selection of relay nodes ensures minimum latency in the dissemination process by
ensuring minimum number of messages are passed. It also ensures quality of the message being
passed. Along with the consensus mechanism we also present a mechanism to select relay
nodes which will give the best performance in the message dissemination process by selecting
node that will cover the maximum possible distance. The selected nodes spread the message
to the maximum number of vehicles with the minimum number of broadcast messages. The
Abstract iii
forwarding process is continued until a threshold is reached.
An incentive mechanism based on both reputation and monetary units is also proposed
which will encourage integrity and honest behaviour from the vehicles. Previous works show
the success of incentive mechanism based on both reputation and monetary units over the ones
based on only one of them. We also integrate the concept of reputation in the validation process
to increase its importance.
The simulation is done in the Omnet++ simulator platform integrated with Sumo. We
showed the analysis of the results obtained from the simulation. The results give impressive
improvements from the existing systems
Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahbub Alam,
Mr. S. M. Sabit Bananee,