Applying Coagulants to Improve the Effluent Quality of ETP and Redesigning Approaches

Show simple item record Khan, Farshid Tahmid, Ahanaf Tahmid, Mahir Mohtasim 2024-08-28T06:57:21Z 2024-08-28T06:57:21Z 2023-05-30
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dc.description Supervised by Dr. Amimul Ahsan, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract ETP plays a pivotal role in functioning a textile industry and ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. Various methods have been suggested over the years to enhance the effluent quality and ETP capacity. This study focuses on improving the quality of the effluent by applying Chemical Coagulant (PAC and Cationic Polymer) and Natural Coagulant (Moringa oleifera). COD, Turbidity and Color was removed for different amount of dosages for both coagulants, however, other parameters such as TSS, TDS, pH did not have a significant change. The removal rate of PAC and Polymer combination for COD, Color and Turbidity was 34.89%, 22.35% and 42.53% respectively. On the other hand, Moringa oleifera had a removal rate of 12.77%, 21.83% and 18.6% for COD, Color and Turbidity respectively. Optimum dosages of PAC and Polymer for COD removal was 2% and 1.6%, while for Moringa oleifera the optimum dosage was 50 mg/L. For color and turbidity removal, the optimum dosages of PAC and Polymer was 4% and 3.2%, while for Moringa oleifera it was 20 mg/L. The study shows that the combination of PAC & Polymer had a better removal efficiency of Color, Turbidity and COD, as compared to the performance of Moringa oleifera. It also offers a redesigning approach to enhance the capacity of the treatment plant by 20% to meet the criteria for future extension and compares the variation between existing design and the calculated design. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(CEE), Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Applying Coagulants to Improve the Effluent Quality of ETP and Redesigning Approaches en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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