Cutting force and friction force are two disturbance forces that directly affect the
servo drive system during the milling process, causing a negative effect that reduces
the positioning table’s precision. To maintain the final product’s quality and geo metric precision, this influence must be countered. The main goal of this thesis is
to reduce the disturbance by designing effective controllers to compensate for these
injected disturbance forces at a spindle speed of 1500 rpm. This thesis proposes
PID, Cascade P/PI and Sliding Mode Control (SMC), with its modified structures
Sigmoid SMC and SuperTwisting SMC (ST-SMC). The PID and cascade was de signed using conventional loop shaping method, while SMC was design using its
traditional formulation and heuristic tuning methods. The numerical analysis was
performed using MATLAB/Simulink software and performance was tested using
performance index; Maximum Tracking Error (MTE), Root Mean Square Error
(RMSE) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The results obtained showed that
Sigmoid SMC controller produced superior performance over the others. With
Maximum Tracking error showed that Sigmoid SMC produced the best tracking
error with percentage reduction of 85 % on reference to Cascade P/PI with highest
tracking error. In terms of RMSE, PID produced the most percentage variation
error of 45.9 % while cascade had the lowest of 2.70 %. In regards to the FFT
results, the Sigmoid SMC showed the most reduction of peak amplitude of 68.3 %
and PID showed the lowest peak reduction of 19.4 %. The chattering phenomenon
in SMC is addressed by modifying the classical SMC, and the numerical analysis
displayed a robust SMC to compensate disturbance forces while reducing chatter ing effect.
Supervised by
Dr. Madihah binti Haji Maharof,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Production and Mechanical Engineering(MPE),
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 2024