Early cancer detection is vital for the survival of a patient suffering from cancers of various types.
A study done by the national census for the UK showed that the survival rates of patients suffering
from Bowel, Breast, Lung, Ovary, Esophagus, Melanoma decreased from on average of 80% to
below 30% for stage 3 cancer and more [1]. Current diagnosis techniques include fresh tissue
biopsy, genome sequencing among others which are expensive, require operations to be performed
on the patient and could take weeks for the results to arrive. The presence and concentration of
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) are key indicators of epithelial cancers, which often release tumor
cells into the bloodstream. Current methods include density-based separation via centrifugation
and physical filtration using commercial filters. However, these techniques have notable
limitations: long processing times, stringent sample preparation to prevent contamination, low
CTC recovery, and the need for expensive equipment. Microfluidics offers a promising alternative
with simpler devices, faster results, and improved separation. Our design uses the reverse wavy
channels from the study published by Zhou et. al [2] and by constraining the entire channel in a
circular channel, thus incorporating more turns in the design in a relatively small space, thus
potentially reducing costs in manufacturing, smaller overall footprint of the device and reduced
pressure losses compared to longer channels. In this study the separation characteristics of CTCs
from Blood Cells are analyzed at different Re and at different Aspect Ratios, thus determining the
optimum parameters for operation and separation, which show maximum separation occurring at
a Reynold’s Number of 40 and an Aspect Ratio of 0.32. Furthermore, significant separation is seen
to be achieved after 4 reverse wavy channel patterns indicating the number of channel patterns
could also be reduced for even smaller footprint of the device. The addition of dielectrophoresis
to the existing system could potentially improve the separation and have better sample purity.
Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Md. Rezwanul Karim,
Department of Production and Mechanical Engineering(MPE),
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, 2024