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dc.description.abstract |
The present research shows the outcomes of an optimal grid-connected with photovoltaic and
fuel cell system design for Kanifing in the Gambia west Africa. The most efficient hybrid
renewable power system is chosen by testing its performance and utilizing integrated
modeling, simulation, optimization, and control methodologies. The key objective is to
design a grid-connected with photovoltaic and fuel cell energy system with high utilization of
clean energy, low greenhouse gas emissions, and a low cost of energy to meet the Kanifing's
electric load. The performance and cost of the hybrid power system configurations using load
executing and phase charging control techniques were assessed using hourly simulations,
modeling, and optimization.
Getting electricity is a significant difficulty in Africa. Although there is a lot of potential for
using solar energy, there is little investment in renewable energy projects. Thus, a lot of
people continue to rely on personal diesel generators, which emit large amounts of pollutants
and harm both the environment and people. Situated in the Sunbelt, Gambia is one of the
countries in Africa endowed with an extremely high solar irradiation potential. HOMER
simulation software was used to determine the optimal configurations and sizes. A
comparison is made between several hybrid combinations and a regular system. The studies
showed that the suggested system had nearly lowered costs and CO2 emissions by 39% and
79%, respectively. The annual carbon footprint with avoided CO2 emissions is approximately
151,751 kg. The outcomes demonstrated that implementing a hybrid power system might be
a reliable and profitable way to achieve social and environmental advantages in isolated rural
and urban electrification |
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