Effective text simplification strategies are becoming more and more necessary in the
constantly changing field of Natural Language Processing(NLP), especially to help
audiences from a variety of backgrounds understand each other better. In order to
improve context awareness in text simplification, this paper investigates the integra tion of text summarization as a critical tool. Through the utilization of sophisticated
algorithms for text summarization and simplification, our goal is to enhance the read ability and accessibility of intricate textual material. There are several steps in the
propossed procedure. First, the most important information from the original text is
extracted, capturing the essence of the content, using advanced text summarization
techniques. The resulting summary then acts as the basis for the process of simpli fying the text. The simplified text is designed to be easier to read while maintaining
the main ideas through a thorough examination of vocabulary, linguistic structures,
and context. Our findings highlight the mutually beneficial relationship between text
summarization and simplification, demonstrating how the former serves as a mech anism of guidance for the latter. Through the use of context-aware summarization,
our approach guarantees the preservation of important textual elements and relation ships, resulting in a condensed version that retains the context and intended meaning.
This paper introduces a new task of document-level text simplification where we first
summarize a document, then concatenating the summarized text together with the
orginal document and finally, we simplified the conatenated document in order to
improve the simplification of a document by conserving the context of the original
document. Therefore, the combination of these two methods improves textual con tent’s overall clarity and creates new opportunities for future study at the nexus of
accessibility and natural language processing
Supervised by
Dr. Md. Azam Hossain,
Associate Professor,
Mr. Md. Shihab Shariar,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024