Highly accurate rice leaf disease identification using lighter models can ensure food
security globally and also less crop loss by maximizing the rate of disease identifica tion in proper time. Our thesis focus is on the process where the quality of the image
is enhanced and the diseased part is detected for predicting the disease in the output.
Image enhancement refers to the process where noisy, low-contrast, and low-quality
image is taken care of. The object detection mechanism detects which part of the im age contains disease. The identification process specifies the disease from the given
input. The currently available disease detection model seems to have limitations, such
as - high-quality training and testing images, requiring high computational power,
images with biased backgrounds, etc. Our proposed technique works on these limita tions by including an image enhancement technique, Lite SR-GAN, that gives a better
result even if we train our models on low-quality images. To make the computation
less complex we have used lightweight architectures in the different phases (image
enhancement, detection, disease identification) of the model. Next, to address the is sue of biased images, we have used an object detection technique, YOLO-s, to detect
the diseased part of the image. In the final stage, we introduce a lightweight model,
EfficientViT that, with the help of previous layers, works equally fine with pictures of
all qualities and identifies the disease using less computation power with an accuracy
of 97.615%, inference time 33.99ms per image, parameter count 4.56M, model size
6.95MB and flop count 33.56B.
Supervised by
Mr. Tareque Mohmud Chowdhury,
Assistant Professor,
Mr. Njayou Youssouf,
Ms. Sabrina Islam,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024