A comprehensive study on smart grid development in OIC Member States

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dc.contributor.author Hussain, Mohammad
dc.contributor.author Abdulaziz, Maaz
dc.date.accessioned 2018-10-03T05:36:54Z
dc.date.available 2018-10-03T05:36:54Z
dc.date.issued 2017-11-15
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dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/266
dc.description.abstract Global warming, increasing amount of greenhouse gases and narrowness of Ozone layer are the biggest global challenges of 21st century therefore we need green and renewable energy and very efficient use of natural energy resources. Traditional electricity grid is passive, unreliable and inefficient. The generation system is centralized therefore there is very low efficient use of energy resources. Management system, control system and costumer consumption metering system are using very old technologies. Smart grid is a future grid that is equipped with integration of electrical, digital, information and communication technologies .It’s automatic, distributed and intelligent features allow two-way flow of energy and information between power provider and consumers. It provides very efficient power transmission and distribution. In the generation system there is high rate of renewable energy penetration since it’s capability of distributed generation and two-way flow of energy allows each consumer to be a producer as well. Development of smart grid in some OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) member states which have huge national resources such as oil reserves and natural gas and better level of economic development can help them to respond to many challenges, Ensuring the delivery of energy services in line with economic growth in a financially sustainable manner, and increasing access to energy services; Safeguarding the environment and its key natural resources by improving the efficiency of resource management, increasing energy efficiency, and the role of renewable energy. Smart grid makes it possible to integrate the grids of many of these countries into a single grid in order to share power and provide efficient power generation and distribution. In this thesis smart grid concepts, architecture and technologies are demonstrated; the key challenges and opportunities in development of smart grid are discussed; Standardization recommendation from authentic international organization for standardization is given; a scenario of electricity generation and distribution strategies in each country is demonstrate; the current scope of smart grid development in some OIC member states with better development and economic level is studied ; the key challenges and problems that are faced in developing smart grid are discussed; and some recommendations to governments for developing smart grid are given . en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology en_US
dc.title A comprehensive study on smart grid development in OIC Member States en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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