Comparison of transmission characteristics of add-drop ring resonators with different geometric shapes

Show simple item record Badhon, Rashadul Hasan Kabir, Md. Faiyaz Rijhum, Ann Noor Bhuiyan Khan, Md. Zahirul Islam 2018-10-03T06:31:23Z 2018-10-03T06:31:23Z 2017-11-15
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dc.description.abstract Plasmonic devices have become a very popular topic of research in recent years due to their properties which allow them to outperform conventional electronic devices in many aspects, the most of important of which is their ability to overcome the diffraction limit. This allows Plasmonic devices to be miniaturized to the nanometer scale, which makes them extremely useful for various optical applications. Here, a special class of Plasmonic devices called add-drop ring resonators were investigated. Various configurations of these resonators with different geometric shapes for the ring were proposed. The transmission characteristics of these structures were analyzed and compared by carrying out simulations to calculate the transmission efficiency at the drop and through ports for different wavelengths of light. The effect on the transmission characteristics due to modifications in the structures were also observed. The add-drop ring resonator configurations with elliptical shaped ring and round-edge square shaped ring both performed better than the conventional circular ring design, exhibiting higher transmission efficiencies at the drop port. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology en_US
dc.title Comparison of transmission characteristics of add-drop ring resonators with different geometric shapes en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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