Study of rubbing phenomenon due to contact between rotor and guide in rotating machinery and its minimization

Show simple item record Ovy, Enaiyat Ghani 2018-10-04T05:24:02Z 2018-10-04T05:24:02Z 2017-01-15
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dc.description.abstract In an industry, rotor-to-stator or rotor-to-guide rubbing is a very common problem. The contact (rub and impact) between rotor and guide creates excessive vibration which may even lead to the permanent damage of a mechanical system. Therefore, considering this extremely important scenario, this research work identifies the characteristic of rubbing phenomena in rotating machineries by simulation and experiment. To minimize rubbing, both the circular and lemon type backup bearing have been considered in this work. First the mathematical models for both these types of bearings are analyzed. Then the models are simulated in MATLAB SIMULINK. Simulation results are discussed elaborately for different clearances between the shaft and the backup bearing and initial conditions. These results are then validated by the experimental results. Although it is obvious from this research that circular backup bearing is efficient in minimizing the excessive vibration, but the rubbing between rotor and guide is still present which eventually damages the system. So, this work gives the priority to implement the lemon type backup bearing as the results show that lemon type backup bearing works certainly better in minimizing the rubbing between rotor and guide than the circular backup bearing. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology en_US
dc.title Study of rubbing phenomenon due to contact between rotor and guide in rotating machinery and its minimization en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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