Offline signature verification using factorized graph matching

Show simple item record Rahman, A.B.M. Ashikur 2020-09-23T09:32:12Z 2020-09-23T09:32:12Z 2018-11-15
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dc.description Supervised by Prof. Dr. Md. Hasanul Kabir en_US
dc.description.abstract Signature veri cation is used in verifying the claimed identity of a person through his/her chosen and previously registered signature. The signature's widespread acceptance by the public and niche applications (validating paper documents and use in banking applications) makes it a desirable biometric. Signature is considered to be a behavioral biometric that encodes the ballistic movements of the signer and as such is di cult to imitate. On the other hand, compared to physical traits such as ngerprint, iris or face, a signature typically shows higher intra-class and time variability. Furthermore, as with passwords, a user may choose a simple signature that is easy to forge. In this work, we present a state-of-the-art o ine signature veri cation system that uses a fusion of complementary features, classi ers and preprocessing techniques, with the aim to explore the limits in signature veri cation accuracy. Here we propose an e cient way to verify the identity of a claimed person. This proposed method uses graph matching for measuring the similarity between two sample signatures. For making it eligible to apply graph matching, features are computed by creating graph representation of the signature image. We propose to use direction information for edge feature to make the method more robust to rotation of the image. This direction is normalized to cope with the intra-class variability. For matching Factorized graph matching is used as it provides faster computation of point-wise correspondence. Based on the a nity score, a statistical approach is made for decision making. For validation Writer-Dependent approach is applied. Extensive experiments have been conducted on a benchmark and publicly available O ine Signature Dataset (ICDAR 2011), where the proposed algorithm achieves approximately 12% average False Acceptance Rate (FAR) for signature veri cation. Furthermore, comparison with other promising works on the aforementioned databases demonstrates the enhanced performance and e ciency of the proposed method en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Offline signature verification using factorized graph matching en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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