Adequate skills are required in preparing TVET graduates to fit in today‟s digital world. In this regard, industrial experts are the major agents through which graduates skills could be infused with the desire to accept, adapt and use those technologies in the pursuit of their career and unemployed problem in Bangladesh. However, regardless of the evidences that indicate positive effect of skills development, and its possibility of transferring the primitive knowledge of skill development processes. The implementation of industry and institute collaboration for skill development remains negligible in most of the sector. This leads to great deal of researcher that sought to examine the skills of TVET graduate of Bangladesh at their workplace. While the prior research focused on industrial expert opinion on skill requirement at industries of south Asian region. The scale used in this study is five point rating scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Findings from 103 industrial experts reveled that there is a gap of skills between the skills requirement of industries and skills provided by TVET institution. Such as: the way they opined and intend to the requirement of skills at today‟s industrial sector, their opinion on skill gap, performance of TVET graduate and the relationship between industries and institution, they identified the skills that are missing in TVET graduates and the present status of industry-institution relationship. The most sufficient findings of this research are that, the skills that are required at industries for employment can be categorized based on their importance. Overall, the study identified the skills requirement to increase the rate of employment and also identified the sector where the skills need to develop through TVET institution.