Solar Photovoltaic Energy Technology Training and Applications: a case study in Bangladesh and the Gambia

Show simple item record Darbo, Kabba Abubacarr 2020-10-28T02:54:23Z 2020-10-28T02:54:23Z 2019-11-15
dc.identifier.citation Anderson, L. W. and Krathwohl, D. R., et al (Eds..) (2001) Taxonomy for Learning, Teach-ing, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Attitude scale Teo (2010) Chen & Jang (2014) and John & Christensen (2008). Chen & Jang, 2014 Creswell, 2008, p.155 DeCoito & Richardson, 2016; Higgins, Xiao, & Katsipataki, (2012) Derwing T.M. Rossiter, M.J, M.J & Muno, M.J (2002).Teaching Photo-voltaic solar technology. Journal of educational and Multicultural Development 23(4), 245-259. Edwin, I.A.(2014),Train-The trainers renewable Energy expert Training solar PV Training Manual, July 2014.GEF/UNIDO 4 PROJECT IN THE GAMBIA. Finch, R.C, & Crunkilton, R.J.(1999)Curriculum Development in Vocational and Technical.(5th ed.) Allyn and Bacon.1999. Habibi et al., 2015; Lakhal, Khechine, & Pascot, 2013; Sahin & Uluyol, 2016 Hart, C. (1984) doing your Dissertation, Solar PV standardized Training manual, developed by SNV New Delhi 2(1), 135-144.>rwasp=cronbach John & Christensen, 2008 Mathew Myers & Halpin 2002 Ministry of energy.2013”Renewable Energy Act2013.”Ministry of Energy, Republic of the Gambia. Mishra, P., &Koehler, M.J.(2006).Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge A new Framework for Teacher Knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108, PURA (2010) Ruggiero & Mong, 2015; utilizing technology, introducing technology (Kong & Song, 2014; Zimlich, 2015 Solar PV Design (online) Solar PV Design (online) Survey monkey. (2019), April 18).sample size calculator .retrieved from Teo. (2008).Pre-service teachers ‘attitudes towards computer use: A Singapore survey. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 11(12), 24. WAPP (2018) Wikipedia (February, 2016)-VE( Differentiation from TVET(Technical_and_vocational_Education_and_Training) en_US
dc.description Supervised by Professor Dr. Faruque Ahmed Haolader en_US
dc.description.abstract Technology cannot be effective in the classroom without trainers who are knowledgeable about both the technology itself and its implementation to meet educational goals. While technology use in the classroom is increasing, improving learning through its application should remain the goal. In this study, the author explored some major training providers’ attitudes about and use of educational technology in training and Application of photo-voltaic solar energy technology and application. I sought to understand how Trainers use and perceive technology in practice and the factors influencing their pedagogical decisions to incorporate technology into their practice and also available training material/curricula, standards. Data collection included used of Questionnaire, administered online real time and hard copies to interested groups and trainers’ interviews. The online portion along with the hands-on is very rewarding; the online courses should be informative and thorough without being repetitive and too lengthy, which a common problem is with any online course (Ijad Madisch (2008).Since long many (Government, private, and NGO-run) training providers in both countries have been organizing and delivering (usually) short-term training on this cutting-edge technology. So far, no such study has been conducted in this particular area. Therefore, this study concerns with photo-voltaic solar energy technology training and application with particular focus on the curriculum, curriculum materials, the training modes, strategies and methods, which are the key determining factors, among others, for producing occupationally competent workforce. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE), Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Solar Photovoltaic Energy Technology Training and Applications: a case study in Bangladesh and the Gambia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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