Analyzing the Need of Technical Teacher’s Skill Upgradation in Practical Electrical and Electronic Courses at Technical Colleges of Katsina State, Nigeria

Show simple item record Abu, Yusuf Sani 2020-10-28T04:53:50Z 2020-10-28T04:53:50Z 2019-11-15
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dc.description Supervised by Dr Md. Abdallah Al Mamun en_US
dc.description.abstract The main objective of this research was to study the need of technical teacher’s skill upgradation in practical courses of technical colleges in Katsina State, Nigeria. This study intends to understand the necessity to upgrade and increase the capabilities of the teachers of technical colleges and vocational centers in Katsina State. Specifically, the key research questions addressed in this study are: to what extent the practical skills and knowledge part of the curriculum in electrical installation are applied by the teachers in the colleges? To what extent the in-service training’s program meets the professional development of teachers of technical colleges? And to what extent the teachers feel about the needs of skill upgradation? With regard to collect the data, this research used a validated questionnaire as an instrument to accomplish the main goals of the research. The main population of this study were teachers of technical colleges. For the data analysis, the study used the SPSS program and Chi-square to test the research question of the study. The result of the study indicated that, the skill upgradation is needed to keep teachers up to date and competent where the necessary reforms and new changes should be made on the initial and in-service programs particularly in regard to practical skills to fulfill the professional development of teachers. The findings of this study can help design suitable teacher training program and to support teacher professional development that make teachers in their field to become a competent person. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE), Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Analyzing the Need of Technical Teacher’s Skill Upgradation in Practical Electrical and Electronic Courses at Technical Colleges of Katsina State, Nigeria en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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