Internet has become one of the most used channels for marketing and advertising as by 2019 The estimated population connected on internet in Africa is about 492.7 million. And particularly 6,13 million in Cameroon with 25,876,380 million inhabitants. Based on these facts we intended to provide a web platform on which advertisers in Cameroon can post and monitor advertisements from used to new items or services. Customers can browse and purchase some products or engage in communication with sellers. We used a model view controller (MVC) architecture and various web technologies such as html, CSS and JavaScript for front-end, and php for back-end using Laravel framework. The implementation based on business to business and consumers to consumers approach aims to provide a free advertising tool that emphasize on time saving, transparency and consumers satisfaction. The use of this platform can make significant contribution in helping, business to engage, and convert virtual visitors to customers.
Supervised by Mr. Faisal Hussain, Lecturer, Dept of CSE, IUT