In recent times, HCI-related research has shown an increasing interest in systems
designed for supporting human memory. As regards, the extent to which Augmented
Reality (AR) being used to experience the reality is blooming and being
applied to each and every sector of HCI thoroughly. In this paper, we are presenting
a system and its design, build-out and procedure to reminisce past memories
using life-logging system where users will store images with related details in cloud
storage based on location. When the user will come back to the location, using
the concept of Geo-location-based AR, the stored image will be augmented onto
the pre-existing reality. As a result of tapping onto the objects, the pre-stored
images with provided details will be overlaid on the view screen. We propose that
such approaches can encourage more mindful engagement with life-logging system
and AR promoting positive e ects linked to reminiscing.