Doctor selection process for the treatment of a particular disease is the primary
step of personal healthcare. Due to lack of information patients always seek doc-
tor recommendation from others. The recommendation they get in return is also
not based on any actual data. That recommendation is mostly based on personal
experience of other people. Sometimes it may happen that, the person who is rec-
ommending also does not have any prior experience about the doctor. They may
have heard about that doctor from someone else. Thus patients get misguided,
which results in wastage of valuable time, money and e ort. We address this issue
and tried to come up with an online based recommendation system. This recom-
mendation system takes into account all the key performance factor of a doctor.
These performance factors can be patients treatment satisfaction, doctor's years
of service experience, educational quali cation, number of patients who recom-
mended that doctor to other patients etc. We proposed a rating algorithm which
generate rating for a doctor using those performance factors. Using the ratings,
the system will recommend doctors to the patients. In our recommendation archi-
tecture we also included location and patients previous search history also. This
system has the potential to assist people in doctor selection process.