The purpose of this document is to describe the features and procedures that were followed in the development of the project. This document specially mentions the details of the project and how it was developed, all the requirements and functionalities of the system throughout the project.
Think of a Curriculum Vitae (CV) as a tool for marketing yourself. It's more than just a document: It outlines your background, your skills, and your education so that a potential employer is quickly and easily able to see how your individual experiences can contribute to a company's success. However, often this outreach is done without adequate data on which to base decisions especially fresh graduates.
The system was developed with the aid of markup languages; HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-end. PHP and MySQL were used for Back-end development. Bootstrap was also used for design and Xammp was used as local host.
Our application will provide jobs opportunities also for the users, whenever the users visit the website, they can easily access job market. And the more important point is our website will be open for everyone, who accessed the internet, and the services will be offered freely, without any payment. By implementing our application, the new ideas about CVs will be implemented; we will follow the new and updated formats for CVs, which are well acceptable in job market.