Design of an evacuated at plate collector driven double e ect solar absorption chiller for Automobile Lab of IUT, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Show simple item record Saif, Adnan Jamil, Faisal Khan, Md Munzir 2020-12-14T07:54:50Z 2020-12-14T07:54:50Z 2019-11-15
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dc.description.abstract Conventional vapor compression air conditioning systems are notorious for their greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion e ect along with high energy consumption rate. Implementing new environment friendly and sustainable technologies in this eld has become an area of interest for researchers across the globe. Solar absorption cooling(SAC) systems have the potential to be considered as the leading technologies for air conditioning today, as they utilize harmless working uids and can be used alongside conventional systems for better economic performance. In the recent studies, SAC systems have proved to be environment friendly, economically viable and energy e cient. In this study, an absorption air conditioning system has been designed and simulated for one of our laboratories in IUT (Islamic University of Technology), which is situated in Gazipur, Bangladesh. Analyzing the hourly solar radiation data and the overall climatic conditions of Bangladesh, and following the recent literature, the combination of Double-e ect absorption chiller and Evacuated Flat Plate Collector was selected. By conducting regression analysis on a commercially available chiller, a double e ect system was designed to meet the cooling demands of the laboratory. Python code was developed for simulating the results of the designed system, which indicated that 75% of the annual cooing demand could be supplied solely by solar energy if the system is incorporated, while relying on an auxiliary source for ful lling the remaining 25%. Despite moderate amount of solar irradiation throughout the calendar year, there has been very limited research for the prospects of SAC systems in Bangladesh. The objective of this study was to design an overall system that is well suited for the existing conditions in Bangladesh and pave the way for future research in this eld for further improvements and modi cations. 1 Contents en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Design of an evacuated at plate collector driven double e ect solar absorption chiller for Automobile Lab of IUT, Gazipur, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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