Analysis of LTE Radio Parameters based on Present and Future Networks

Show simple item record Javed, Farhan Nabil, Masudur Rahman Sharfuddin, Md. 2020-12-18T06:36:50Z 2020-12-18T06:36:50Z 2019-11-15
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dc.description Supervised By: Mr. Nafiz Imtiaz Bin Hamid Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Islamic University of Technology(IUT) en_US
dc.description.abstract Scheduler scheme in 4G LTE and its future releases, LTE-A an LTE-A Pro, is a major parameter which has direct impact on the UE demands (e.g. throughput) and efficiency. While deploying a new network at a particular site, we have to consider as to what scheduler needs to be adopted. Transmission mode, on the other hand, indirectly decides how much UE and also coverage area can be provided by the base stations (eNodeB). An extensive study of what transmission modes & scheduler are to be chosen for different sites, has been made in our book. The analysis was carried out by a MATLAB based noncommercial simulator where a downsized version of the original source was used, incorporating all the necessary network parameters, to better understand impacts of changing network parameter in a practical environment. Necessary simulations were carried out and results were observed. Based on the speculations, we reached some inferences, of which the most significant would be that, no one transmission mode or scheduler configuration is the absolute best. It all depends on what goals are to be achieved for a network at a particular site. Another work was based on study of NOMA, a transmission technique based on PDMA, whose main focus is to increase the number of UE per cell, by using the power domain, i.e. the UE will have different power levels according to their position. Here a general discussion along with some drawbacks (ICI) and their possible feasible solutions were described in this book. Since, 5G network aims to provide a higher bandwidth with an increased number of users, NOMA is one of the feasible choices in terms of transmission techniques over OFDMA, due to its capability to accommodate higher number of users en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Islamic University of Technology,Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Analysis of LTE Radio Parameters based on Present and Future Networks en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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