The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architecture exploits a univer-
sal caching strategy whose ine ciency has been con rmed by research com-
munities. Various caching schemes have been proposed to overcome some
drawbacks of the universal caching strategy but they come with additional
complexity and overheads. Besides those sophisticated caching schemes,
there is a probabilistic caching scheme that is more e cient than the uni-
versal caching strategy and adds a modest complexity to a network. The
probabilistic caching scheme was treated as a benchmark and the insights
into its behavior have never been studied despite its promising performance
and feasibility in practical use. Here we study the probabilistic caching
scheme by means of computer simulation to explore the behavior of the
probabilistic caching scheme when it works with various cache replacement
policies. The simulation results show the di erent behavioral characteris-
tics of the probabilistic caching scheme as a function of the cache replace-
ment policy.