Human intention process is closely related to design an interactive interface which is dynamic. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) largely depends on human cognition. Cognition is what goes in our heads when we carry out our everyday activities .Human perception can be gathered from auditory or visual aspects. Visual information signifies important classification of human intention. Intension is the set of attention that represents an approach to achieve a goal by a decision making process. Attention involves our auditory and visual senses. Human intention analysis is a big open space for the researchers. Human intention can be defined by analyzing the gaze information of the humans. Eye gaze is the focus point where one is looking. A low cost approach of gazing involves using webcam to specify the gaze points. Defining our own feature space and alongside a training dataset for classifying the content of an interface components using the perceived value of eye movement. Based on the content and results we are able to define human intention on a particular interface.