Effective Implementation of Variable Message Sign (VMS) in Dhaka City

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dc.contributor.author Akash, Tasneef Islam
dc.contributor.author Islam, Ahadul
dc.contributor.author Rahman, Mostafizur
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-09T05:52:52Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-09T05:52:52Z
dc.date.issued 2013-11-15
dc.identifier.citation Adil E. Shamoo and David B. Resnik (2003). Responsible Conduct of Research. Publication Date: February 12, 2009 | ISBN-10: 019536824X | ISBN-13: 978-0195368246 | Edition: 2 Berger, D.E. (2010, November). Introduction to multiple regression. Demonstration session presented at the meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, Texas. Cooper, B.R. & Mitchell, J. (2002). Safety and effectiveness of the wider use of VMS – Final report. TRL Report TRL526. Highways Agency. Crowthorne, United Kingdom. Chien-Jung Lai, Kuo-Duan Yen, Duan-Bing Wang (2010), EFFECTS OF CHINESE FONT STYLE AND COLOR ON VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNS, Department of Distribution Management. National Chin-Yi University of Technology Taiwan, ROC. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Cormac McBride, Leon Wee. (2010) Display of Travel Time on Auckland Motorways Variable Message signs. Chen, C. (2004) Travel Times on Changeable Message Signs: Pilot Project, California PATH Research RepUCB-ITS-PRR-2004-5. Chatterjee, K., et al. (2002), “Driver Response to Variable Message Sign Information in London”, Transportation Research, Vol. 10C, No. 2, pp. 149-169. De Craen, S. & De Niet, M. (2002). Extra information on Dynamic Message Signs: possibilities and effects. (Extra informatie op matrixborden: mogelijkheden en effecten.) Stichting wetenschappelijk onderzoek verkeersveiligheid SWOV, R-2002-13, p. 37. Netherlands. David Levinson, Hong Huo. (2002) Effectiveness of Variable Message Signs. 58 Davidsson, F., Kronborg, P., & Lind, G. (2007). PM - Trafikstyrning och tillgänglighet. Stockholm: Movea Trafikkonsult AB. (Traffic management and availability. Stockholm: Movea Traffic AB) Elise Whitley and Jonathan Ball. Statistics review 3: Hypothesis testing and P values. Crit Care. 2002; 6(3): 222–225. Published online 2002 March 18. PMCID: PMC137449 Erke, Alena, Hagman, Rolf& Sagberg, Fridulv (2005). Traffic and drivers' attention - A study of boards with variable text influences driving behavior. Institute of Transport Economics. TOI report 799/2005. Oslo, Norway. Joel H. Levine. Introduction to Data analysis: The Rules of Evidence. Macintosh HD:DA:DA XI:Volume I:006 Intro, June 10, 1996 Kronborg, Peter (2001). VMS för omledning. Movea Trafikkonsult AB. Stockholm, Sweden. Available: <http://www.movea.se/vms_omled.pdf> [2006-02-06]. Lai CJ. (2010) Effects of color scheme and message lines of variable message signs on driver performance, Accid Anal Prev. 2010 Jul;42(4):1003-8. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.12.002. Epub 2009 Dec 30. Levinson, M. (1996) Brighter Benefits from VMS. TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL '96. ANNUAL REVIEW ISSUEPublisher: UK and International PressISSN: 1356-9252 Meng, L., Zhang, M., & Mustafa, M. (2009, 20090921–20090925). Investigation of Driver Reactions on Different Visualization Types of Traffic Information. Paper presented at the 16th ITS World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Stockholm, Sweden. Nygardhs, S., Helmers., (2007) Variable message signs a literature review, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI; Danish Road Directorate. Nickerson, R. S. (2000). Null hypothesis significance testing: A review of an old and continuing controversy. Psychological Methods, 5, 241-301 59 Ravinder, K., Velmurgan, S., & Gangopadhyay, S. (2009). Variable Message Signs and User Behavior on an Urban Stretch. Paper presented at the 16th ITS World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Stockholm, Sweden. Richard Tay, Alexandre G. de Barros. (2007) Public Perceptions of the Use of Dynamic Message Signs, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 95-110. Sara Nygårdhs. (2011) Literature review on variable message signs. Vägverket (2003). Vägutrustning 94 Supplement 2, Omställbara vägskyltar. VV Publ2003:113. Vägverket. Sweden. http://www.vv.se/ Winnett, M.A. & Wheeler, A.H. (2002). Vehicle-activated signs – a large scale evaluation. TRL Report TRL 548. TRL Limited. United Kingdom. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/918
dc.description Supervised by Dr. Shakil Mohammad Rifaat Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is the one of the most densely populated city of the world. Bangladesh being one of the third world countries has a high economic growth rate and Dhaka being the capital of the country has a continuously increasing rate of business & commercial activities. The present transportation system being designed decades ago can’t cope with the higher mobilizing activities. Besides, with the increasing rate of accidents traffic safety has become an important factor. So, new technology with new designs craved an important position in the integrated transportation system which should be introduced to cope up with this new situation. Variable Message Signs, a way of informing drivers about road conditions and a potential safety measures has already got popularity in different countries like U.S.A, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, Malaysia, Sweden and other developed countries of the world. Extensive research regarding VMS has been carried out all over the world. Few VMS have been also noticed across the road of Dhaka city with faulty way of installation, erroneous message, poor management and less capability to attract drivers. From our investigation it was found out that no research activities regarding VMS have been carried out during or after installation of VMS. So, we feel the urge to research for the implementation of VMS effectively by finding out the difference in perception among different survey groups with proper reasoning and recommending our findings to the stakeholders and further research works on this topic. However, key stakeholder groups were surveyed with some limitations due to illiteracy, unwillingness and misconceptions of the survey groups. ANOVA method was followed by successful eliminations of these errors during the statistical analysis and inter and intra group differences were found out on the basis of personal interview and interactions with the survey groups. Recommendations on the basis of major key findings were done to the stakeholders and for further research activities on VMS. The study in total, focuses on the differences of perceptions of different survey groups, reasons for the differences to find out an effective way of implementing VMS as an integral part of transportation system in cities like Dhaka. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Effective Implementation of Variable Message Sign (VMS) in Dhaka City en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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