TCP Incast, also known as TCP throughput collapse, is a term used to de-
scribe a link capacity under-utilization phenomenon in certain many-to-one
communication patterns, typically in many datacenter applications. The
main root cause of TCP Incast analyzed by prior works is attributed to
packet drops at the congestion switch that result in TCP timeout. Conges-
tion control algorithms have been developed to reduce or eliminate packet
drops at the congestion switch. In this paper, the performance of Quantized
Congestion Noti?cation (QCN) with respect to the TCP incast problem dur-
ing data access from clustered servers in datacenters are investigated. QCN
can e ectively control link rates very rapidly in a datacenter environment.
However, it performs poorly when TCP Incast is observed. To explain this
low link utilization, we examine the rate ?uctuation of di erent ?ows within
one synchronous reading request, and ?nd that the poor performance of TCP
throughput with QCN is due to the rate unfairness of di erent ?ows. There-
fore, an enhanced QCN congestion control algorithm, called fair Quantized
Congestion Noti?cation (FQCN), is proposed to improve fairness of multiple
?ows sharing one bottleneck link. We evaluate the performance of FQCN
as compared to that of QCN in terms of fairness and convergence with four
simultaneous and eight staggered source ?ows. As compared to QCN, fair-
ness is improved greatly and the queue length at the bottleneck link con-
verges to the equilibrium queue length very fast. The e ects of FQCN to
TCP throughput collapse are also investigated. Simulation results show that
FQCN signi?cantly enhances TCP throughput performance in a TCP Incast
Supervised by
Shahriar Kaisar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Islamic University of Technology (IUT),
Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh.