Effectiveness of Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Removing Pathogenic Microorganisms

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dc.contributor.author Ferdous, Jahid
dc.contributor.author Hasan, Md. Mahedi
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-13T04:45:38Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-13T04:45:38Z
dc.date.issued 2014-11-15
dc.identifier.citation 1. WHO, “Economic and health effect of increasing coverage of low cost household drinking-water supply and sanitation intervention to countries off-track to meet MDG target 10,” 2007. 2. J. D. Burch and K. E. Thomas, “Water disinfection for developing countries and potential for solar thermal pasteurization,” Solar Energy, vol. 64, no. 1-3, pp. 87-97, 1998. 3. Wegelin, M., Canonica, S., mechsner, K., Fleischmann, T., Pesaro F. & Metzler, A. 1994, “Solar water disinfection: scope of the process and analysis of radiation experiments.” J.Water SRT-Aqua 43, 154-169. 4. Conroy, R. M., Elmore-Meegan, m., Joyce, t., McGuigan, K. G. & Barnes, J. 1996, “Solar disinfection of drinking water and diarrhea in Maasai children: a controlled field trial.” Lancet 348, 1695-1697 5. McGuigan, K. G.,Joyce, T. M.,Gillespie, J. B. & Elmore-Meegan, M.1998 Solar disinfection of drinking water contained in transparent plastic bottles: characterizing the bacterial inactivation process. J. Appl. Microbiol. 84, 1138-1148. 6. Berney, M., Weilenmann, H. U.,Simonetti, A. & Egli, T. 2006 Efficancy of solar disinfection of Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella Typhimurium and Vibrio cholera. J. Appl. Microbiol.101, 828-836. 7. "Household water treatment and safe storage". World Health Organization. Retrieved 30 November 2010. 8. "Training material". Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG) Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (SANDEC). Retrieved 1 February 2010. 9. Meierhofer R, Wegelin M (October 2002). Solar water disinfection — A guide for the application of SODIS. Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG) Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (SANDEC). ISBN 3-906484-24-6. 10. "How does it work?" (PDF). sodis.ch. Retrieved 1 February 2010. 11. Limitations of SODIS 43 12. "Treating turbid water". World Health Organization. 2010. Retrieved 30 November 2010. 13. Clasen T (2009). Scaling Up Household Water Treatment Among Low-Income Populations. World Health Organization. 14. B. Dawney and J.M. Pearce “Optimizing Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) Method by Decreasing Turbidity with NaCl”, The Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development 2(2) pp. 87-94 (2012) 15. Plastic Bags for Water Treatment: A new Approach to Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water. University of British Columbia (Vancouver). 2011. 16. Mintz E; Bartram J; Lochery P; Wegelin M (2001). "Not just a drop in the bucket: Expanding access to point-of-use water treatment systems.". American Journal of Public Health, 91(10), 1565-1570. 17. "Plastic Packaging Resins". American Chemistry Council. 18. "SODIS Technical Note # 2 Materials: Plastic versus Glass Bottles" (PDF). sodis.ch. 20 October 1998. Retrieved 1 February 2010. 19. "Guidelines for drinking-water quality" (PDF). World Health Organization. pp. 304–6. "Guidelines for drinking-water quality" (PDF). World Health Organization. pp. 304–6. 20. Kohler M, Wolfensberger M. "Migration of organic components from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to water" (PDF). Swiss Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA). Archived from the original on 2007-09-21. 21. William Shotyk, Michael Krachler and Bin Chen (2006). "Contamination of Canadian and European bottled waters with antimony from PET containers". Journal of Environmental Monitoring 8 (2): 288-292. doi:10.1039/b517844b.PMID 16470261. Lay summary. 22. "Bottled Waters Contaminated with Antimony from PET"(Press release). University of Heidelberg. 26 January 2006. 23. "Household water treatment and safe storage". Retrieved 30 November 2010. 24. The WHO and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (2000). Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report. Geneva: World Health Organization. ISBN 92-4-156202-1 44 25. Conroy RM, Elmore-Meegan M, Joyce T, McGuigan KG, Barnes J (1996). "Solar disinfection of drinking water and diarrhoea in Maasai children: a controlled field trial". Lancet348 (9043): 1695–7. doi:10.1016/S0140- 6736(96)02309-4.PMID 8973432. 26. Conroy RM, Meegan ME, Joyce T, McGuigan K, Barnes J (October 1999). "Solar disinfection of water reduces diarrhoeal disease: an update". Archives of Disease in Childhood 81(4): 337–8. doi:10.1136/adc.81.4.337. PMC 1718112.PMID 10490440 27. Conroy RM, Meegan ME, Joyce T, McGuigan K, Barnes J (October, 2001). "Solar disinfection of drinking water protects against cholera in children under 6 years of age". Archives of Disease in Childhood 85 (4): 293– 5.doi:10.1136/adc.85.4.293. PMC 1718943.PMID 11567937 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/965
dc.description Supervised by Prof. Dr. Rezaul Karim Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract Water is the most important natural resource in the world and availability of safe drinking water is a high priority issue for human existence and quality of life. Unfortunately water resources are coming under increasing pressure due to population growth, over-use and wastage. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 884 million lack access to improved water supplies. Many more are forced to rely on sources that are microbiologically unsafe, resulting in a higher risk of waterborne disease transmission including typhoid, hepatitis and cholera. As ever, the poor are the worst affected from waterborne disease. In n developing countries, 50% of the population are exposed to polluted water sources and these peoples are the main contributors to an estimated 4 billion case of diarrhea each year. These factors result in an estimated 2.2 million deaths each year, the majority of which are children under the age of five. Solar disinfection (SODIS) of drinking water is one of the WHO approved point-of-use household water treatment technologies for drinking water (WHO/UNICEF 2011). It requires that water in transparent containers (usually poly-ethylene terephalate (PET) bottles) be exposed to direct sunlight for minimum period of 6 hours under clear sky conditions in which waterborne pathogens are inactivated thus making the water safe to drink. Pathogenic inactivation is due to the synergistic effect of ultraviolet (UV) light and heat produced by solar radiation. SODIS is very cost effective and user friendly water treatment technology comparing to the existing systems. To reduce childhood mortality, SODIS would be a realistic and cheap opinion for provision of safe drinking water in Bangladesh since ample sunlight is available throughout the year. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Board Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Effectiveness of Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Removing Pathogenic Microorganisms en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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